June 3rd, 2005: Minor revision release. Bug Fixes: GUI species window bug fixed. Creating a combinatorial
variation (ExpType 2) NetCDF file with no variations is no longer allowed. Fixed one trivial (but fatal) bug in saving data in an ExpType 2 file.
Modifications: Remove an extraneous call to the reaction propensity calculator in the hybrid jump/continuous Markov process simulator, resulting in
a minor speedup. Removed -i-static flag from Makefile. Minor string fixes. Additions: Added Trimolecular reaction rate laws to
both GUI and simulators. Added a Plot Solution window
in the GUI.
April 20th, 2005: Pre-compiled binaries for the Intel Pentium IV and Itanium2 platforms now have the Intel compiler libraries
statically linked, precluding the need for the Intel compiler.
April 4th, 2005: The new version (v1.0.3) fixes three bugs: A floating point exception that occurred after the simulations were
finished (experienced only on the Solaris make), an infrequent (but significant) error in the update of the reaction residuals, and a precision
error that results in a seg fault when the SaveTime is too small.
Feb 1st, 2005: Hybrid homogeneous paper published in the Journal of Chemical Physics (H. Salis, Y. Kaznessis, v122 n5 p054103, 2005)
Jan. 9th, 2005: Finally got around to making a project homepage.
Dec. 20th, 2004: Opened SourceForge project and uploaded source code into its CVS.
May, 2004: Hybrid jump/continuous Markov process simulator paper accepted into the Journal of Chemical Physics