The NetCDF Toolbox for MATLAB, which consists of a platform-specific mexfile and some
platform-independent M files, downloadable here. (Free)
MATLAB v7.0 R14 or later (Mathworks),
available for many platforms. (Not Free)
The GUI and Simulation Code
The Matlab GUI M-files, simulation source code, and binaries are released using Sourceforge's File Tracker. Go to the official download site for all files.
Compilation of the source code requires a Fortran95 compiler that accepts certain basic declarations.
There are also pre-compiled versions of the simulation code for the Intel x86 and ia64 (Itanium2) architectures using Linux. The pre-compiled
versions include all of the binaries, the source code, and a working/compiled version of the NetCDF library.
The source code is relatively easy to compile (the MakeFile is simple), but if you have any problems on a specific architecture then
please contact Howard Salis. Binaries for Sun Sparc
and IBM PowerPC can be made available on request.